Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wingate institute: ergometry test

Yesterday I had an ergometry test. Good news: my VO2max seems ridiculously high (64.7) -- suggesting i should be running 15.XX 5Ks and 2:35 marathons. My races predict VO2 max of 55 -- by comparison, Frank Shorter's vo2max was only 71, so i am getting close to the "elite" level. Hah!

The bad news is that BMI is 23.8 -- on the edge of being overweight for my height! (78kg at 181cm = 171lb at 6ft). That's at least 6 pounds over my good race weight (165).

The worse news is that my body fat % apparently is 16% -- that is insanely high. They did it with a caliper test by pinching skin all over my body, and apparently i have a ton of stomach fat... like 22+% . beer belly :-(

today, inspired, i had a salad and healthy lunch, and a salad for dinner. and then a late night snack of bread and wine.  should really cut out the late night snacking.

Monday, November 3, 2014