Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wingate institute: ergometry test

Yesterday I had an ergometry test. Good news: my VO2max seems ridiculously high (64.7) -- suggesting i should be running 15.XX 5Ks and 2:35 marathons. My races predict VO2 max of 55 -- by comparison, Frank Shorter's vo2max was only 71, so i am getting close to the "elite" level. Hah!

The bad news is that BMI is 23.8 -- on the edge of being overweight for my height! (78kg at 181cm = 171lb at 6ft). That's at least 6 pounds over my good race weight (165).

The worse news is that my body fat % apparently is 16% -- that is insanely high. They did it with a caliper test by pinching skin all over my body, and apparently i have a ton of stomach fat... like 22+% . beer belly :-(

today, inspired, i had a salad and healthy lunch, and a salad for dinner. and then a late night snack of bread and wine.  should really cut out the late night snacking.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014

Gaza war day 11: ground operations started, flights to israel suspended

Last night Israel entered Gaza, starting the ground war.

When asked to change tickets, travel agent advised that my future company stopped travel to Israel due to security concerns. Awaiting further instructions.

- yesterday treadmill tempo (7 miles, 4.45 @ 6:40 or  under).
- today slow run to work with backpack, 8.2 miles

Decent training week overall, except missed speed workout.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Gaza war 2014: Day 8/9. A bit of running, lots of worrying.

Friday did a nice tempo run on treadmill (6.22 miles @ 45:00, with a good effort 4.1 miles with .5@7:08, 3@6:40, .6@6:27). All at 1.5%+ incline. Slowly starting to improve fitness, but a long way to go back to marathon shape.

Today went for a 11.2 run (planned 13, but was feeling like crap). Hot, humid, and congestion+cold have come back. Not a pleasant run at all. Some nice hills, and brought a gatorade. Result: 8:55 pace.

My running friend living in Israel posted that he had to cut his run short, twice, due to sirens in Modi'in. He joked it may be the end of his running career. Starting to wonder how I will get long runs in, with sirens going off almost every day in Zichron and Haifa.

Wondering if i should buy a treadmill, or if there will be any races this year, not with the "forecast" of "fireworks" every day and night.

On top of all this, reports are not done, family is worried, i am checking Israeli news obsessively (not productive). Will find out whether i can postpone flights to Israel, either for the whole family or for just wife and kids.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Gaza war day 3: starting to worry

It is now 3 days into operation "protective edge". Multiple missiles have now fallen in TA, Jerusalem, and a couple even near Zichron Yaakov. Wife is justifiably nervous, me too. Thinking about postponing flights or perhaps me going first and family joining a few weeks later, after the situation improves.

Importantly, i wonder how do people run in Israel during rocket attacks? Thinking about installing a treadmill in the Mamad (secure room, a new word I learned that I wish I didn't know). Along with keeping my laptop+monitor, speakers snacks, water, and cat litter there...

Peachtree Road Race 2014 recap: last race in U.S. before moving to Israel

Peachtree: PR, basic stats

Happy to report a PR at Peachtree: 39:29 is the official net time (455/57K+, 34th in AG).

Perfect conditions (65 and not too humid). nice 1+mile warmup, got to corral 15 minutes before start, 1 gu (chocolate+caffeine) 10 minutes before start.

Crowded start, opened up about 1 mile in, but stayed crowded for another mile. People started falling off after that. Held back but still ended up running first 3 miles at around 6:00-6:10 pace. Slowed down on cardiac hills to 6:45-7:00pace, then managed to recover and finish at 6:20-ish pace for the last 1.5 miles.

Happy overall with my performance and training.  I feel know that on a flatter course, 38:xx or even 37xx are reachable.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Last speed work before Peachtree. 3 x 800, 400, 200 at decent clip on track. Having a bunch of crossfitters on track to pass helped with motivation. First 400s felt good, was running out of steam for the second halfs.

Barely was able to jog up the hill home afterwords. Will chalk it up to the hot and humid long run on Sunday, while taking antibiotics for sinus infection.

Easy runs tomorrow and Thursday to recover for Peachtree.